New, upgraded AND converted homes at Bradwell

At Peak District Rural Housing (PDRHA), in partnership with Bradwell Community Land Trust (CLT), we’re creating 28 affordable homes in the village of Bradwell.
There are three elements to this project:
- Development of 55 new homes, including x12 new affordable homes
- Purchase and upgrade of x12 existing homes
- Potential conversion of Newburgh Hall, an old social club, into 4 one-bed apartments
Bradwell is one of the larger villages in the Peak District National Park. It was once home to a large engineering works, Newburgh Engineering, before the works were relocated to a more suitable site in Rotherham. The site of the works was granted planning permission for 55 houses, including 12 affordable homes.
The Parish Council, knowing this development was likely, set out a neighbourhood plan incorporating the development. They also set up a Community Land Trust (CLT) to own the affordable units, ensuring they would be held in perpetuity for local people.
Hear from Chair of the CLT, Andy Nash about how the CLT came to be and what these affordable homes mean for the village.
New development
The CLT appointed Peak District Rural Housing Association (PDRHA) to manage the new houses. The first four of the 12 houses are completing in May 2021 and we're looking forward to welcoming our new residents. The remaining eight homes are due to be finished in spring 2022.
Purchase of 1960s workers houses
The CLT board become aware that 12 houses in Bradwell, originally built in the 1960s for workers at Newburgh, were for sale. While some of the original workers lived in some of the houses, most of them had now been let on a private rental basis. The CLT feared that this affordable housing for Bradwell people would be lost if they were sold to a private company, in this area of expensive housing. PDRHA worked with the CLT to purchase the properties. On purchase, the freehold was passed to the CLT and the properties leased for 125 years to PDRHA. This arrangement ensures the houses are protected from the right to buy.
We've just completed a programme of upgrading the homes.
Conversion of Newburgh Hall
The CLT with PDRHA also negotiated the purchase of the old social club, Newburgh Hall. This will hopefully be converted into 4 one bedroomed affordable apartments.
The whole community has benefitted from this successful partnership:
“This is a great "win" for the community. The affordable homes are being donated to the village as planning gain, will be owned by the Bradwell Community Land Trust and will be made available to local people at affordable rents.”
Paul Downing, Chair – Bradwell Parish Council
“Bradwell Community Land Trust has entered into 3 projects with Peak District Rural Housing Association. Jointly, we are enabling 28 affordable houses to be provided or retained within the village. PDRHA has been a great partner and always willing to consider new ideas and provide advice and guidance.”
Andy Nash, Chair – Bradwell CLT
“Since PDRHA took on the management of our homes, there’s been a massive difference straight away. We’ve had a lot of much-needed work done – new windows and doors and a new kitchen. We’re so grateful; our house is significantly warmer, and it looks so much better."
Rachel Sampson, Bradwell resident
Other partners involved in this project include Derbyshire Dales DC, Homes England, Peak District National Park Planning Authority and Sheffield City Region.